2024 BMFSpartan Team



Sunday, October 20th

Start Time

TBD, but probably 1pm


Twin Canyons Ranch, Granbury, TX


5K (3.1 miles), and 20 obstacles


~1 hour to complete race


Who Can Join?

ANYONE and EVERYONE! Invite your friends, family, and colleagues.  You don’t have to be a BMF member to be on our team. Literally anyone can join and run with us.

Race Format

We start together as a team, but we aren’t competing for time so everyone goes at their own pace. This is an entry-level, fun event.  With such a large team you’ll have walkers, runners, and sprinters, so there is a group for everyone!


FREE Spartan training workshops/workouts will be held every Saturday, Sept 21 – Oct 12 (4 workouts), 11:30pm to 1pm at the BMF Plano and Fort Worth studios. The first half of each class focuses on obstacle skills and strategy. The second half of each class is a circuit style workout.


You’re welcome to drive straight to the venue, but we like to meet at the studio for breakfast and festivities, and then caravan there!

Arrive at BMF : 8-9am

Depart for Venue: ~10:30am

Arrive at Venue: 12 Noon

Race Start: TBD, but probably 1pm

Depart Venue: 3:30pm

Arrive back at BMF: 5pm

After-Party: TBD but always a blow-out event!! Not to be missed!!!

BMF Studio Festivities

  • Massage therapist
  • Chiropractic
  • Stretch therapist
  • Live DJ
  • Continental Breakfast
  • Body tattoos
  • …and More!


BMF Tanks

Wearing the red BMF race tank is optional, but we’d love for everyone to match! If you don’t already have one from a previous BMF Spartan race, you can get yours in two ways:

  1. Buy from the Studio: If we have them in stock, just ask the front desk to ring up your order.
  2. Order in Advance: If we’re out of stock, fill out the form below and send $20 to Jeremy

If you’re placing an order, please make sure to submit both your order and payment by 10/1 at the latest.

The tanks tend to run a bit large, so we recommend ordering one size down. We have samples available at the studio, so feel free to drop by and try one on before placing your order.

Tanks will be distributed before the race; they typically arrive a day or two before the event and will be ready for pick-up at the studio. If you’re unable to pick yours up beforehand, we’ll also bring them to the event for your convenience.

(Just to clarify, these tanks are different from the free T-shirt you’ll receive from Spartan after completing the race. These are our BMF-specific team tanks that we wear to match as a group.)


You can make payment by Apple, Venmo, CashApp and Zelle

Venmo: @Jeremy-Soder

CashApp: $JeremySoder

Zelle: Jeremy Soder

His cell number for confirmation is 214-738-6078


  • Until Sept 27th use promo code BMF100 for a FREE entry (you still have to pay for insurance and parking but it’s only $27)
  • BMF Spartan Team Tank (not required): $20


Team Captains

Kristin McNeff  |  214.563.0448  |  [email protected]

Jeremy Soder   |  214.738.6078  |  [email protected]

Race Registration

I.  Join the Spartan Community Page

  • Join our Facebook Group for important information and updates: BMF Spartan Team,
  • Follow us on Instagram @bodymachinefitness

II.  Purchase Spartan Race Ticket

  1. Open the link, Dallas Sprint 5k, and select the “TICKETS” button for “Sprint 5K 20 OBSTACLES.”
  2. Select the red button with the price for “11:45m – 3:00pm OPEN”
  3. Go to Ticket Cart (icon on top of website to the left of “Find a Race” and select, “Commit Now.”)
  4. Choose any time slot. (Spartan will adjust start times to ensure all BMF Spartan Team members have the same start time prior to race day)
  5. Sign waiver and agree to terms
  6. Enter promo code (if before Sept 27 use FREE code BMF100, otherwise, use BMF30 for 30% off) and then click “CHECKOUT.”
  7. Chose any extras you may want like making a donation or select No Thanks
  8. Select the “PAYMENT” button
  9. Add a Payment Method, agree to terms and select Pay
  10.  Select ASSIGN TICKETS
  11. Select Dallas Spartan Sprint 5k
  12. Assign the ticket to yourself or to someone else (you can buy extra tickets and assign to other racers)
  14. Type in BMFERS and select team
  15. Confirm BMFERS is now listed under your name, and you’re ALL DONE!
  16. Send an email to [email protected] confirming you have joined the team!

We’ll frequently update the lobby TV roster, so check to make sure your name is listed. If you signed up but don’t see your name, you may have missed the last step: joining the BMF team.

If that’s the case, log back into your account and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Events.
  2. Select the race.
  3. Choose RUN AS A TEAM.
  5. Search for BMFERS and select it.
  6. Confirm that you’ve joined the team.

BMF Race Tank Order Form